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Marble Surface

2024 - 2025

Required Fees*

CurlSask (excluding Juniors)                                                       $13

Curling Canada Fee (excluding Juniors )                                     $2

PAG&CC Membership Fee                                                             $55


High School - 50% of regular adult leagues

Under 25 - 25% off league fees

New curler discount - 25% off full season league fees if you have not curled here for 3 years or more

Two Person Stick League - Wednesdays 5:00 pm 
Full season - $335  Half season - $180
This league will follow Two Person Stick rules.  Open to all curlers interested in curling with a stick.  

Adult Learn to Curl - Wednesdays 7:00 pm
6 week session - $120
If you are new to curling and are ready to meet new people and learn some of the skills of the game, this is the league for you. Presented in a casual, social, fun way, this league is to teach the game and provide a fun base for you to build on. 

Thursday Rec League - Thursdays 7:00 pm
Full Season - $465  Half Season - $245
This league is a recreational league open to all curlers. It has teams of all abilities ranging from great teams to social teams, but what you can guarantee is that everyone is here for the love of the sport and to have fun.  Enter individually, as a team or as a partial team. 

Afternoon Mixed - Mondays 1:00 pm
Full Season - $335 1/2 Season - $180  
Coed teams.  Enter individually.   Teams are drawn twice a year.

Afternoon Ladies - Tuesdays 1:00 pm
Full Season - $335 Half Season - $180
League Fee - $20
Ladies teams only.   We welcome everyone to curl with this group.  Enter individually, as a team or as a partial team. 

6 Pack - Mondays or Wednesdays 7:00 pm 
6 week session - $160
Looking to fill your winter with fun? The 6-Pack league is for you. 6 weeks, 6 ends per game, 6 drinks.  Our fastest growing league - very social, very relaxed curling

Tuesday Afternoon Stick League - Tuesdays 1:00 pm
Full Season - $335  Half Season $180
Open to all curlers of all ages. There is more to it than just using a stick to deliver the rock. Join us in this unique relaxed curling league.  Enter individually, teams are drawn weekly.

Econo Lumber League - Tuesdays 7:00 pm
Full Season - $465  Half Season - $245
League Fee - $25
This league is for those who have a bit of experience and are interested in playing on a more competitive level. As our most competitive league, teams or their sponsors pay $400 fee , which is paid out to teams per win.

Senior Men's - Wednesdays 1:30 pm & Fridays 9:30 am
Full Season - $490  Half Season - $255
This league is made up of senior men.   Teams are drawn twice a year.  Enter individually. 

Required Fees*
CurlSask (excluding Juniors)                                                      $13
Curling Canada Fee (excluding Juniors                                     $2
PAG&CC Membership Fee                                                           $55

High School - 50% of regular adult leagues
Under 25 - 25% off league fees
New curler Discount - 25% off full season league fees if you have not curled here for 3 years or more

© 2021 by the Prince Albert Golf and Curling Centre.

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